Member-only story
My Not So Shining Moment…
Have you ever had one of those moments?
When it’s game day and you didn’t show up in peak performance?
I had one earlier this week, unfortunately for me, it was a national event.
I could blame it on being overbooked. I could say there was a lot going on and I had come out of a few rough conversations preceding… Perhaps I was overpreparing and trying to cram too much into a short spot, regardless, it was on me. Bascially, I was like I was invited to a weekend at the beach and packed for a week of skiing.
A couple of nights tossing and turning, with 20/20 hindsight, playing it over in my head and rethinking what I could have done better. Even in the moment, I knew, but couldn’t seem to stop. I was hosting a 4 hour workshop in what was supposed to be a 30 min fireside chat.
Why am I sharing this?
I want to acknowledge to the cool people who were involved in hosting a very important event to say sorry I didn’t deliver.
I am putting this out there so when something like this happens to you (and I hope it doesn’t, but it likely will), no matter how knowledgeable, prepared, experienced and well intentioned you are- sometimes you’re going to swing and miss.